As a Maths Ambassador I:
- Carry out my duties for the school to the best of my ability
- Share my love of Maths with my peers
- Encourage everyone in school to have a positive attitude towards Maths
- Am an excellent role model for Maths
- Am a voice for my peers when sharing ideas about Maths
This team of pupils will work alongside Mrs Davey to undertake some of the following responsibilities.
Maths Ambassador duties:
- Raise the profile of maths in school
- To share strategies/methods
- Encourage the use of resources in class
- To encourage staff and peers to use mathematical language
- To support with maths events across the school
- Write news snippets of what is happening in maths at Black Combe for the school website
- Help upkeep maths displays and create/change Problem of the Month
- Take visitors and school Governors on maths themed learning walks
- Run and manage whole school maths competitions
- Facilitate a lunch time club which will focus on a variety of different skills, including problem solving
- Celebrate maths achievements across the school
- Test their peers on their times tables for the Times Table Challenge rewards
The Maths Ambassador Team will meet regularly to discuss various items.
Look out for our Math’s Ambassadors around school – they might ask you how we can improve maths at Black Combe School.
These children have been awarded Math’s Ambassador status having shown the highest level of dedication and thinking skills when solving math’s problems. These children from Year 6 were selected by class teachers to take a key role in developing a love for math’s learning in the school community. They have continued their hard work in to Year 6 where their responsibilities will include collecting ideas on improving maths in our school.
After Easter, they will also become mentors to new maths ambassadors lower down the school.