Our school PE Vision
Our school motto of “To make every day count” is very much at the heart of our curriculum. This is evident in our PE Curriculum. We aim to provide a curriculum which incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum as well as being enriched by other inspiring experiences and opportunities. At BCJS we follow the National Curriculum for PE, alongside providing unique experiences for the children to take part in.
We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness, whilst boosting self-confidence, self-esteem and supporting the development of social skills; encouraging all children to become successful, lifelong learners.
As the children move through the school, knowledge and skills are built upon and learning takes place sequentially. Our curriculum is designed in a way that enables the teachers to have the flexibility to ensure that the children develop knowledge and skills through the use of a wide range of sports.
Our aim is “To make every day count” and ensure the children’s time at BCJS is full of great memories.
PE - Intent, Implementation, Inclusion & Differentiation, Impact.
Black Combe Junior School, believes that Physical Education (PE) should aim to inspire all children to succeed and excel in all areas of physical activity. We believe children should have the opportunity to participate in competitive sport with surrounding schools to embed values such as fairness and respect. We want every child’s experience of PE to be positive and motivating, we want to support children’s health, wellbeing and fitness levels. Through Physical Education we aim to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing confidence and competence in a range of physical activities.
Each child will take part in 2 hours a week of physical activity, PE lessons will be taught by class teachers or specialists from the local area. We plan our PE lessons to cover a broad range of skills and activities linked with a new sport each term. Children also have the opportunity to take part in a range of sporting after school clubs and special days/weeks learning new sporting skills which children from this area may not get to experience. These days are taught by professionals, such as- Wheelchair basketball, Yoga, Gymnastics, Cyclewise etc.
We teach our PE lessons in a way that children:
At Black Combe School we are very passionate about involving the children in Inter-school competitions with schools from the local area, we take part in multiple School Games organized events as well as competitions organised by Sports Subject Leaders across the schools. This is a great way for the children to be involved in sporting competitions in a safe environment.
Inclusion & Differentiation
The National Curriculum states that all children should have the opportunity to engage in physical education, we as a school make this possible. We adapt our lessons to suit the needs of all pupils of all abilities, we make reasonable adjustments to enable all of our children to not just access physical activities but to also succeed. All children have the opportunity to take part in our after-school clubs, events and competitions. We work closely with local organsiers who implement SEN specific multi sports events in the local area.
Through teaching a variety of sports and skills, pupils are highly motivated to take part in our highly engaging lessons. As a result of our lessons, children learn to take responsibility of their own health and fitness by putting their learnt skills into their own games and activities at playtimes. We aim for children to grow up and live happy and healthy lives, utilizing skills and knowledge acquired through Physical Education at Black Combe.