
Black Combe Junior School


Welcome toBlack Combe Junior School

Class 3 - Mrs Davey

Welcome to Class 3's page. Here you will find all about what we have been learning over the year, our timetable, curriculum map for the year and class expectations.

Class 3 Weekly Timetable

Curriculum Overview

Homework Expectations

Click the 'Homework Expectations' Word document to find out more about the homework your child will be set. 


Ed Shed Login Details

Summer 1 

Spring - World War 2

Over the last 2 half terms, we have delved deeper into our topic of WW2 and concluded our learning. We learnt about different people linked to WW2 including Vera Lynn, Anne Frank, Alan Turing and Adolf Hitler. We found out about Anderson shelters and how WW2 ended by completing some work on VE day. In art, we created Blitz landscapes focusing on the skill of blending paint.


In Science, we have been learning all about life cycles of plants and animals including birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians. We have also looked at the life of David Attenborough and used our research to create a fact file all about his life.



Science - Life Cycles



Autumn 2 - World War 2

This half term we have an extended topic all about WW2. So far, we have learnt about how WW2 started, evacuation and the Barrow Blitz. We have been on a trip to Barrow to the Dock Museum and Library where we learnt in more detail about the Barrow Blitz.

Christmas Truce Letters English

Poppy art

Flanders Fields Blackout Poetry

Sigfried Sassoon 'How To Die' inspired poetry


Autumn 1 - Ancient Maya Civilisation

This half term we learnt all about the Ancient Maya Civilisation. We found out where the Maya came from, all about their daily life, Maya Gods and Goddesses, Maya inventions and all about the famous ball game Pok-a-Tok. In art we created our own Maya masks and in English we created lots of different writing pieces based on the book 'RainPlayer'.

Maya masks

English and History
