
Black Combe Junior School


Welcome toBlack Combe Junior School

Class 1 - Miss Shepherd

Each term we have an overarching Topic Focus, this is a brief description of what we are getting up to in Class One. 

Autumn 1 - Our Cumbria 

This term Class One learnt all about Cumbria and the surrounding areas, looking at local maps, sketch maps of our school and famous authors from Cumbria - including Beatrix Potter! 

Autumn 2 -  The Stone Age

This term we are learnt all about The Stone Age, we are reading The Stone Age Boy story and creating fantastic diary entries as if we lived through the same experience! We are also learning all about Stone Age weapons, houses and clothing. 

Spring 1 - The Bronze Age & Iron Age

This term our topic included learning all about The Bronze Age and Iron Age, we compared the life of adults in both Ages and linked them to our previous learning from last term of The Stone Age. In English we did some incredible writing all about 'The Boy in the Forest'.

Spring 2 - Romans, Anglo Saxons and Vikings

This term we are going to be having a Roman week at the start of term, putting our knowledge of the Romans into practice by building our own Roman Chariots by following our own instructions written in our English lessons. We will then move onto learning all about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings.

Summer 1 - Anglo Saxons and Vikings 

This term we have continued learning about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings, looking at the invasions of Britain and the kings who ruled the Anglo Saxons. 

Summer 2- Geography Fieldwork Focus

This half term we are focusing on enhancing our fieldwork skills, we are taking part in a research project to redesign our school playground, collecting and analysing data and taking questionaires from staff and children to help with our project. 

Summer 2 Class 1 Timetable

Year 3/4 Curriculum A Map

Homework Expectations

EdShed Guidance
