Please see below for Class 2's daily timetable, a brief overview of Class 2's current and previous learning, Year 3 and 4's curriculum map for this year and homework expectations.
Each term we have an overarching Topic Focus, this is a brief description of what we are getting up to in Class Two.
Autumn 1 -
In Autumn Term 1 Class 2 will incredibly busy. We will be learning all about electricity in Science including making a simple circuit and recognising common insulators and conductors. In Art we are focusing on drawing and painting. We will experiment with and create marks using a range of materials and learn new painting techniques to create texture and shape. We will also examine and take inspiration from the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh. In PE will be focusing on basketball. In Design and Technology will learn about how things are powered, including looking at different types of energy and how these can be used to power different devices. We will also consider how design choices are influenced by energy sources. During our Computing lessons we will develop our understanding of digital devices, with a focus of inputs, processes and outputs. We will also be introduced to computer networks and look at the benefits of connecting devices to a network. Our RE learning will focus on churches and church buildings relationship with god. In PSHE we will focus on 'Good To Be Me'.
Here is our curriculum map for this year:
Click the 'Homework Expectations' Word document to find out more about the homework your child will be set.