
Black Combe Junior School


Welcome toBlack Combe Junior School

Class 2 - Mr Yates

Welcome To Class 2's Page

Please see below for Class 2's daily timetable,  a brief overview of Class 2's current and previous learning, Year 3 and 4's curriculum map for this year and homework expectations.

Here is Class 2's Timetable for Summer Term 2

Each term we have an overarching Topic Focus, this is a brief description of what we are getting up to in Class Two. 


Autumn 1 - Our Cumbria 

This term Class Two learnt all about Cumbria and the surrounding areas, looking at local maps, sketch maps of our school and famous authors from Cumbria - including Beatrix Potter! 


Autumn 2 -  The Stone Age

This term we are learnt all about The Stone Age, we read 'The Stone Age Boy' story and creating fantastic diary entries as if we lived through the same experience! We also learnt all about Stone Age weapons, houses and clothing. We built on this learning in our rocks topic in science. This half term Class 2 also went to gymnastics and performed the Christmas play 'Straw and Order'. 


Spring 1 - Bronze Age and Iron Age

In Spring Term 1 Class 2 learnt all about the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We looked at primary and secondary sources as well as comparing weapons from the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We then built on our previous learning of the Stone Age by completed an extend piece of writing explaining whether we'd prefer to live in either the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age, justifying the reason for our choice. In English we read Anthony Browne's 'Into The Forest' this culminated is us completing our own version of the story. We also learnt about forces and magnets in science,  this included completing investigations into the amount friction on different surfaces and classifying magnetic and non-magnetic materials.  


Spring 2 - Romans and Anglo-Saxons

In Spring Term 2 Class 2 learnt all about the Romans and the Anglo-Saxons. We briefly learnt about the Romans and made our own Roman Chariots.  We then learn about the Anglo-Saxons, including looking at Anglo-Saxon artefacts and what they could tell us about how the Anglo-Saxons lived. In English we read by R. J. Palacio's 'Wonder' this culminated is us completing writing our speeches about ' How It's Okay To Be Different'. We also learnt about Sound in science, this included completing investigations into what happens to a sound the further away it gets from the sound source and the relationship between the volume of a sound and the size of a vibration it produces. 


Summer 1 - The Vikings

In Summer Term 1 Class 2 learnt all about the Vikings. We wrote report newspaper reports about the Viking raid at Lindisfarne and then created timelines show how Danelaw was established and the payment of Danegold. We also compared Anglo-Saxon and Viking life in Britain, as well as learning about important figures such as King Alfred, King Athelstan, Edward the Martyr, Edgar The Peaceful, Edmund Ironside, Ethelred The Unready, Sven Forkbeard and Cnut The Great . In art, we created Viking dragon heads similar to those found on the prow of a Viking longboat. In English, we read 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' by Joe Todd-Stanton and wrote persuasive letters and our own version of Arthur's next adventure. We made Viking longboats in DT, testing and evaluating how strong a piece of paper is. In Science, we learnt about living things and their habitats. Which included using Carroll and Venn Diagrams to classify animals. We then created our own classification keys. 


Summer 2 - Geography Fieldwork Focus

This half term we are focusing on enhancing our fieldwork skills, we are taking part in a research project to redesign our school playground, collecting and analysing data and taking questionaires from staff and children to help with our project. 





Curriculum Map:

Here is our curriculum map for this year: 

Homework Expectations

Click the 'Homework Expectations' Word document to find out more about the homework your child will be set. 

Details of how to log on to EdShed
